Xenosaga Wiki

Cool guy.

Indeed xD —Jiyanamiki 01:07, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Xenoblade information[]

Because of the nature of these wikis being separate entities, and the games themselves being separate texts, I think it's important that we draw a clear distinction between what's canon within Xenosaga vs what's canon in Xenoblade. Just as we can't definitively assert that anything in Xenosaga is true simply because of allusions to Xenogears (and vice versa), it would be wise for us to have a bright line for this too. Within Xenosaga itself there's nothing to indicate that Yuriev existed during the Lost Jerusalem era. It seems like a mistake to me if we start citing details from Xenoblade anywhere other than the trivia section. Thoughts? —Elendraug (talk) 00:05, 6 December 2023 (UTC)

I agree here. It's better to treat them as separate instances of the same character unless one of the staff directly says 'no, this is the same Yuriev', the same way we treat all allusions and references back and forth between the series. Otherwise we run into fanon being assumed as canon, rather than a bridge for fans to speculate. Tanyuu (talk) 06:03, 7 December 2023 (UTC)
Honestly, even if they did state that it was the same Yuriev, it's extracanonical to the text of the XS games themselves, and I would still feel it's information best included in a "trivia" or "retcon" section. —Elendraug (talk) 00:56, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
.... Man, I want to see the adventures of Xenoblade Yuriev now. Also, going through this article is reminding me of all the stuff that still needs cites and updates. I went 'wait, is this canon or opinion?' a few times. Tanyuu (talk) 20:50, 8 December 2023 (UTC)

Yuriev's age[]

I'm not going to edit anything back yet because Xenosaga's got way more info to sift through than Xenogears, but here's a few things that may clear up the confusion over how old Yuriev is and the confusion over what Sellers said:

"The UMN itself has existed since the era of Lost Jerusalem, but from the time of the escape from the Earth's range until hyperspace navigation became possible, the name "Unus Mundus Drive Operation" did not exist. In addition, the very existence of U-Do was unknown. U-Do's existence began to attract attention like nowadays about 300 years ago when the living organism transfer experiments were being conducted, with Dmitri Yuriev having become one of the test subjects." (from http://web.archive.org/web/20130111073224/http://translations.xenotensei.com:80/Xeno3/PerfectGuide.html#08)

I think the confusion comes over what Sellers would have considered the UMN, versus how long it actually has existed. One possible way to do this is to quote Sellers directly, making it clear this is what he believes, and not draw further conclusions for it. That way, the mystery of what he actually meant is preserved, without presenting a possible theory as hard canon. Otherwise, we're entering into original research territory here. Tanyuu (talk) 19:15, 7 December 2023 (UTC)

From the EPIII database, in the entry for Dmitri Yuriev:
A test subject in a living matter transportation experiment conducted in the earliest days of the U.M.N., he made contact with U-DO during the experiment and was contaminated. Additionally, he was the Galaxy Federation's first Salvator.
In the entry for Other Professor:
He used to be an engineer involved with the U.M.N. transfer experiments. Currently, he lives quietly on Second Miltia working to prevent Forbidden Devices from falling into the hands of ordinary citizens.
In the entry for Forbidden Device (the item I remembered an NPC discussing in EPII, in the basement? of a building on Second Miltia, so that must be the Other Professor I was thinking of):
An illegal encephalon dive device developed by private enterprise, based on U.M.N. architecture data that leaked from Vector.
Even after living body transfer experiments were banned, private enterprises conducted transfer experiments using this encephalon. But, just as with the normal encephalon, the effect on the test subjects after the experiments was horrific. Currently, there are a few of these devices left abandoned in various locations across the star cluster.
In the entry for Orgulla:
Ormus Patriarch Sergius XVII's personal battle cyborg.
Originally a specialized cyborg used in U.M.N. transfer experiments, an accident during an experiment led to dissociative identity disorder, yielding split personalities. After subsequent adjustments, she became a battle cyborg in the Patriarch's personal guard, a role well suited to her aggressive personality.
So in light of all that (without me booting up the game to try to hunt down NPCs, which I can do if necessary and when I have time), it seems clear that the transfer experiments Yuriev was part of occurred within the last few hundred years. I recommend reverting his estimated age to the previous version of the infobox, although we can keep the comment from Sellers with some clarification. —Elendraug (talk) 00:56, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
...actually, regarding what you quoted: In addition, the very existence of U-Do was unknown. U-Do's existence began to attract attention like nowadays about 300 years ago when the living organism transfer experiments were being conducted, with Dmitri Yuriev having become one of the test subjects."' Yuriev actually can't be thousands of years old, because it was coming into contact with U-DO that gave him the ability to transfer his consciousness into other bodies. If nobody knew about the existence of U-DO until ~300 years ago, that's the soonest anyone could've come into contact with U-DO as a recognizable entity (enough to then get fixated upon exacting revenge upon him à la Captain Ahab, haha), so as cool as it would be for him to secretly be thousands of years old, it seems like we'll have to content ourselves with him merely being several centuries old. —Elendraug (talk) 01:12, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
Yep, we're on the same page. I think the confusion comes from Sellers saying Yuriev was there during the early days of UMN, but what he meant was the days of when it became known as the UMN, ie what you said. Tanyuu (talk) 02:40, 8 December 2023 (UTC)